How it works:
Purchase a Basha fundraiser Square for the Super Bowl game, the 10 rows and 10 columns of the grid will be randomly selected 0-9. Rows will be the Home team and Columns will be the Visiting team each week. These numbers represent the last number in the score of each team. In other words, if the score is Home Team 17 – Away Team 14, then the winning square is the one with a Home Team number of 7, and the Away Team number of 4.
Since this is a Fundraiser, 50% of the proceeds will go to the Basha Gridiron Club, and 50% will be distributed among those with the Winning Square.
Winnings Breakdown for Squares
*Payouts assume full participation. If participation is less than 100%, payouts will be proportionally adjusted. If there is no winner due to less than 100% participation, payout will roll over to the next available payout.
To Purchase your Squares:
1. Click on this LINK to Enter Your Picks ($25.00 per Square) then select your Square(s) by putting in your name.
2. After you've selected your square(s) go HERE to purchase your squares.
If you have questions, please email